The Coalition for Public Education/Coalicion por La Educacion Publica (CPE-CEP) just completed its first Parent Take the Lead Summer Institute to help mobilize for the Big FightBack Against Mayoral Control & Privatization this coming school year.
The CPE-CEP just ended a by-invitiation-only six-week session with some of New York City's most engaged and militant parents. it was its first attempt to help organize and mobilize parents across the city for the major fight for Power to transform an anti-parent and racist mis-education system into one in which parents, students and educators collaborate in creating educational excellence grounded in the idea that a high quality education is a Human Right- not a privelege for rich.
Over the next school year, the CPE-CEP's Parent Leadership Training Institute will expand to include hundreds more parents and collaboarte with anti-mayoral control/antiprivatization parent groups thruout the city in helping to create ... empowered, informed and militant parents ready to fight for and build their respective organizations and neighborhoods into power-filled centers ready to take over their schools within a truly democratic People's Board of Education.